Prairie Hammock

There are 171 taxa reported for the Prairie Hammock habitat.

Flatland with sand/organic soil over marl or limestone substrate; mesic; subtropical; occasional or rare fire; live oak and/or cabbage palm.
Scientific Name: Common Name: South Florida Native Status:
Abrus precatorius Rosary-pea, Crab-eyes Not Native, Naturalized
Acacia auriculiformis Earleaf acacia Not Native, Naturalized
Acoelorraphe wrightii Paurotis palm, Everglades palm Native
Adenanthera pavonina Red sandalwood, Red beardtree Not Native, Naturalized
Albizia lebbeck Woman’s tongue, Rattlepod Not Native, Naturalized
Ammannia latifolia Pink redstem, Toothcup Native
Ampelopsis arborea Peppervine Native
Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum Blue-maidencane Native
Andropogon glomeratus var. pumilus Common bushy bluestem Native
Apios americana Groundnut Native
Apteria aphylla Nodding nixie Native
Ardisia elliptica Shoe-button ardisia Not Native, Naturalized
Ardisia escallonioides Marlberry Native
Asplenium platyneuron Ebony spleenwort Native
Baccharis glomeruliflora Silverling Native
Baccharis halimifolia Saltbush, Groundsel tree, Sea-myrtle Native
Berchemia scandens Rattan vine, Alabama supplejack Native
Bidens alba var. radiata Spanish-needles Native
Bischofia javanica Javanese bishopwood Not Native, Naturalized
Blechnum serrulatum Swamp fern, Toothed midsorus fern Native
Boehmeria cylindrica False nettle, Bog hemp, Button-hemp Native
Bursera simaruba Gumbo-limbo Native
Callicarpa americana American beautyberry Native
Campyloneurum phyllitidis Long strap fern Native
Carica papaya Papaya Native
Cassytha filiformis Lovevine, Devil’s gut Native
Casuarina equisetifolia Australian-pine, Horsetail casuarina Not Native, Naturalized
Celtis laevigata Sugarberry, Southern Hackberry Native
Cestrum diurnum Dayflowering jessamine Not Native, Naturalized
Chiococca alba Common snowberry, Milkberry Native
Chrysobalanus icaco Coco-plum Native
Chrysophyllum oliviforme Satinleaf Native
Cissus verticillata var. verticillata Possum-grape, Seasonvine Native
Cornus foemina Stiff cornel, Swamp dogwood, Stiff dogwood Native
Dichanthelium commutatum Variable witchgrass Native
Dichanthelium laxiflorum Openflower witchgrass Native
Dioscorea alata White yam Not Native, Naturalized
Dioscorea bulbifera Common air-potato Not Native, Naturalized
Diospyros virginiana Persimmon, Common persimmon Native
Dolichandra unguis-cati Claw vine, Catclawvine Not Native, Naturalized
Eclipta prostrata False-daisy Native
Elephantopus elatus Tall elephant’s-foot Native
Encyclia tampensis Florida butterfly orchid Native
Epipremnum pinnatum cv. Aureum Golden pothos Not Native, Naturalized
Erechtites hieraciifolius Fireweed, American burnweed Native
Eriobotrya japonica Loquat Not Native, Naturalized
Erythrina herbacea Coralbean, Cherokee bean Native
Eugenia uniflora Surinam-cherry Not Native, Naturalized
Eupatorium capillifolium Dog-fennel Native
Ficus aurea Strangler fig, Golden fig Native
Ficus microcarpa Laurel fig, Indian laurel Not Native, Naturalized
Funastrum clausum Whitevine, White twinevine Native
Galium bermudense Coastal bedstraw Native
Habenaria floribunda Rein orchid, Toothpetal false reinorchid Native
Hamelia patens var. patens Firebush Native
Hypericum hypericoides St. Andrew’s-cross Native
Ilex cassine Dahoon holly, Dahoon Native
Ipomoea alba Common moonflowers, Moonflowers Native
Ipomoea indica Ocean-blue morningglory Native
Iresine diffusa Juba’s bush, Bloodleaf Native
Lantana camara Shrubverbena Not Native, Naturalized
Linaria canadensis Canada toadflax Native
Lindernia dubia Yellowseed false-pimpernel Native
Lygodium microphyllum Small-leaf climbing fern Not Native, Naturalized
Lyonia lucida Fetterbush Native
Melaleuca quinquenervia Punktree Not Native, Naturalized
Melothria pendula Creeping-cucumber Native
Mikania cordifolia Florida Keys hempvine Native
Momordica charantia Wild balsam-apple, Balsampear Not Native, Naturalized
Morus rubra Red mulberry Native
Murraya paniculata Orange jessamine Not Native, Naturalized
Myrcianthes fragrans Simpson’s stopper, Twinberry Native
Myrica cerifera Wax myrtle, Southern Bayberry Native
Myrsine cubana Myrsine, Colicwood Native
Nephrolepis cordifolia Tuberous sword fern Not Native, Naturalized
Nephrolepis exaltata Sword fern, Wild Boston fern Native
Neyraudia reynaudiana Burmareed, Silkreed Not Native, Naturalized
Oeceoclades maculata African ground orchid, Monk orchid Not Native, Naturalized
Oplismenus hirtellus subsp. setarius Woodsgrass, Basketgrass Native
Orthosia scoparia Hairnetvine, Leafless swallowwort Native
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis Royal fern Native
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum Cinnamon fern Native
Oxalis corniculata Lady's-sorrel, Common yellow woodsorrel Native
Panicum anceps Beaked panicum Native
Parietaria floridana Florida pellitory Native
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia-creeper, Woodbine Native
Paspalum boscianum Bull paspalum, Bull crowngrass Native
Paspalum setaceum Thin paspalum Native
Passiflora suberosa Corkystem passionflower Native
Persea americana Avocado Not Native, Naturalized
Persea borbonia var. borbonia Red bay Native
Persea palustris Swamp bay Native
Petiveria alliacea Guinea hen weed Native
Phlebodium aureum Golden polypody Native
Phytolacca americana American pokeweed Native
Pilea microphylla Artillery plant, Rockweed Native
Pleopeltis polypodioides var. michauxiana Resurrection fern Native
Psidium guajava Guava Not Native, Naturalized
Psilotum nudum Whisk-fern Native
Psychotria nervosa Shiny-leaved wild coffee Native
Psychotria tenuifolia Shortleaf wild coffee Native
Pteridium pseudocaudatum Tailed bracken fern Native
Pteris vittata China brake Not Native, Naturalized
Ptychosperma elegans Solitaire palm, Alexander palm Not Native, Naturalized
Quercus laurifolia Laurel oak, Diamond oak Native
Quercus nigra Water oak Native
Quercus virginiana Virginia live oak Native
Randia aculeata White indigoberry Native
Rhus copallinum Winged sumac Native
Rhynchosia minima Least snoutbean Native
Rhynchospora globularis Globe beak-rush Native
Ricinus communis Castor-bean Not Native, Naturalized
Rivina humilis Rougeplant Native
Rubus trivialis Southern dewberry Native
Ruellia blechum Green shrimpplant, Browne's blechum Not Native, Naturalized
Ruellia simplex Britton’s wild petunia, Mexican bluebell Not Native, Naturalized
Sabal minor Dwarf palmetto, Bluestem palm Native
Sabal palmetto Cabbage palm Native
Sacoila lanceolata var. paludicola Leafless beaked lady's-tresses Native
Sageretia minutiflora Buckthorn, Smallflower mock buckthorn Native
Salvia lyrata Lyre-leaved sage Native
Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis Elderberry, American elder Native
Sansevieria hyacinthoides Bowstring-hemp, Mother-in-laws tongue, Snake plant Not Native, Naturalized
Schefflera actinophylla Australian umbrellatree Not Native, Naturalized
Schinus terebinthifolius Brazilian-pepper Not Native, Naturalized
Schoepfia schreberi Gulf graytwig, Graytwig Native
Scleria triglomerata Whip nutrush Native
Serenoa repens Saw palmetto Native
Silphium asteriscus Starry rosinweed Native
Simarouba glauca Paradisetree Native
Smilax auriculata Earleaf greenbrier Native
Smilax bona-nox Saw greenbrier Native
Smilax laurifolia Catbrier, Laurel greenbrier, Bamboo vine Native
Smilax tamnoides Catbrier, Bristly greenbrier, Hogbrier Native
Solanum americanum Common nightshade, American black nightshade Native
Solanum capsicoides Cankerberry, Soda-apple, Cockroachberry Native
Solanum viarum Tropical soda-apple Not Native, Naturalized
Solidago stricta Wand goldenrod Native
Sphagneticola trilobata Creeping wedelia, Creeping oxeye Not Native, Naturalized
Syngonium podophyllum Nephthytis, American evergreen Not Native, Naturalized
Syzygium cumini Jambolan-plum, Java-plum Not Native, Naturalized
Terminalia catappa Tropical-almond, West Indian-almond Not Native, Naturalized
Thelypteris kunthii Southern shield fern Native
Thelypteris ovata Ovate maiden fern Native
Tillandsia balbisiana Reflexed wild-pine Native
Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica Stiff-leaved wild-pine, Cardinal airplant Native
Tillandsia paucifolia Twisted wild-pine, Potbelly airplant Native
Tillandsia recurvata Ball-moss Native
Tillandsia setacea Thin-leaved wild-pine, Southern needleleaf Native
Tillandsia usneoides Spanish-moss Native
Tillandsia utriculata Giant wild-pine, Giant airplant Native
Tillandsia variabilis Soft-leaved wild-pine, Leatherleaf airplant Native
Toxicodendron radicans Eastern poison-ivy Native
Trachelospermum difforme Climbing-dogbane
Trema floridanum Florida Trema Native
Trema micranthum Nettletree Native
Triadica sebifera Popcorntree, Chinese tallowtree Not Native, Naturalized
Tripsacum dactyloides Eastern gamagrass, Fakahatchee grass Native
Urena lobata Caesarweed Not Native, Naturalized
Verbesina virginica Frostweed, White crownbeard Native
Viburnum obovatum Small viburnum, Walter’s viburnum Native
Vitis aestivalis Summer grape Native
Vitis cinerea var. floridana Florida grape Native
Vitis rotundifolia Muscadine, Muscadine grape Native
Vitis shuttleworthii Calusa grape Native
Vittaria lineata Shoestring fern Native
Woodwardia virginica Virginia chain fern Native
Ximenia americana Hog-plum, Tallowwood Native
Youngia japonica Rocketweed, Oriental false hawksbeard Not Native, Naturalized
Zamia integrifolia Coontie, Florida arrowroot Native
Zanthoxylum fagara Wild-lime, Lime prickly-ash Native